How I Co-founded and Grew a Tech Firm

Entrepreneurship is not an individual sport

Etienne Yuan
Better Entrepreneur


Robert Sargéus — Photo courtesy of GESHDO

Robert Sargéus was peeling off his cycling jacket and helmet when we met, even though his firm GESHDO’s new offices came with executive parking, complete with fast-charging stations.

“I’m thinking full electric for when I get that company car,” he said.

New offices. Electric car. Badges of the successful tech entrepreneur.

“I may have waited too long,” he said as he showed me around.

Of course not. Just look around you! I wanted to say.

There was space for at least fifty people, with plenty to spare for conference rooms and generous common areas. At twenty plus employees, GESHDO had outgrown offices for the third time in four years after its founding and was poised for more growth. Still under forty, Robert was now the co-founder and CEO of one of the hottest software development consultancies in Southern Sweden.

What could possibly make him think he had waited too long?

“Already at age 14, I knew what I wanted in life: A family, to work for myself, and to travel. And from then on, everything I did, I did according to this plan.”



Etienne Yuan
Better Entrepreneur

Innovation Consultant | Investor | Writer Wannabe | | @etienneyuan