How I Got Published On My First Try

Guess what — You can too

Anthony Scott
7 min readOct 30, 2020
Photo by Priscilla Du Preez on Unsplash

It was early September, my senior year college. My professor (thank you, Prof. Batchelor) stood in front of the class and was incredibly candid with us. He kept it real. He talked about how we could immediately become more appealing to employers by starting a blog.

“Write about anything. Whatever interests you. If only 5 people read it, that’s okay. You have a body of work that is out there to be seen.”

Did I mention he is a best-selling author too?

He obviously knew what he was talking about. I admired the way he thought, the way he could communicate, and his success. I watched the eyes in the classroom glaze over as students looked out the window or at their phone. But I was locked in. I knew I was going to start writing.

In my fit of blind ambition, I decided that I was going to get published on this website I’ve been checking out called Medium. And not just any publication, in The Startup, the biggest on Medium.

Lofty goal right?

I figured it was too lofty. Instead, I was going to self-publish a few pieces and then shoot for the stars.

I went to my local coffee shop, mainlined a cold brew, and got to work. The next day, I pressed publish.



Anthony Scott

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