How to Boost Your Upwork Rating

Show what you can do

Vic Womersley
Freelancer’s Hub


Photo by LinkedIn Sales Navigator on Unsplash

I’ve been freelancing for more than a decade. For the past 7 years, writing has been my main source of income, and Upwork one of the key resources I use for connecting with clients. I’ve held a good freelancer score (90% or higher) for years and a ‘top-rated’ badge since they were a thing. I was awarded ‘Top-Rated Plus’ early on in 2020 — before I even knew it was possible.

Whatever people may say about Upwork, I’ve found it to be an excellent platform for finding quality clients. It’s helped me build my freelancing business. Their commission rates are competitive, setting up a profile is fairly straightforward, and their resources are useful for both new and experienced freelancers. Below are some of the steps I took to stand out from the other 12 million or so Upwork freelancers and achieve a ‘Top-Rated Plus’ status.

Show what you can do

Whether you’re meeting a new client via Upwork, or any other means, your history matters. You don’t need to have a long list of big projects or top brands that you’ve worked with. You do need to be able to show what you can do. That means creating a portfolio. Upwork has a portfolio section that’s not too different from LinkedIn.



Vic Womersley
Freelancer’s Hub

I’m a freelance writer using Medium to explore ideas that interest me. I hope they interest you too. Get in touch here: