How to Build a Rocking Blog That Generates Free Traffic?

7 proven steps to achieve your goal

Hardik Raval
5 min readJun 23, 2020
Photo by Alice Donovan Rouse on Unsplash

Blogging can certainly drive tons of traffic to your business website, increase visibility for your business, and assign authority to your brand.

According to research by WordPress, roughly 410 million people visit and read blog posts monthly.

If you don’t set up a blog for your business, you won’t be able to imagine how much you’re missing out on opportunities to reach a large audience of people and turn visitors into customers.

Optimize your blog to ensure that people visit your blog and read your content.

Before you get started, first learn how building out highly-engaging content can help you rock your business.

Read these tips if you want to start a rocking blog that generates free organic traffic.

1. Blog Regularly

You don’t necessarily have to be a perfectionist at blogging, but you should try to blog consistently.

Do not publish 5 posts in any week and no more posts for the next three months.

If you do blogging that way, your blog will go stagnant for being inconsistent and your business will not grow on time.

The more you continue blogging, the easier it becomes.

That’s natural about blogging as I’m personally experiencing this every day.

So, to make the most out of blogging, simply establish a posting routine for you to remain a consistent blogger.

Research and analysis show that publishing 4 times a week, or 15–16 times a month has been the best ever.

Entrepreneurs posting 16 or more posts to their blogs monthly get approximately 4 times much more traffic than others posting fewer numbers ranging between 0–4 monthly.

Your main job is to run your business efficiently, not spending the whole of the time blogging, notwithstanding creating some good time to blog is instrumental in building your business and rocking the business world.

I know some business owners who employed dedicated content writers to handle the writing while they rock on their business doing the needful.

2. Perform Keyword Research

Of course, you know you should keep at creating blog posts that are related to your business.

While you keep publishing niche-related posts, you must also target specific keywords based on search queries.

Use targeted keywords for your write-ups.

Keyword research is the simple process of targeting specific keywords based on what people are searching for.

For instance, “How to publish a manuscript” is something that many people search for.

If you own a publishing firm, you can create a post titled “How to apply for an international standard book number”.

Use keywords in your headline, opening paragraphs, and write the rest of your post naturally keeping your targeting keywords in mind.

This way, chances are you’ll rank your posts better in SERPs and your ideal audience will find them easily.

Plus, you can get tons of topic ideas for your next post through keyword brainstorming.

3. Use Visuals

Incorporating topically-related images or video content can help increase reader engagement.

Readers keep in mind 20% of what they hear (without images included), but retain roughly 70% of what they hear and see (with images included).

Readers’ attention span is always short.

But, they want to get the key concepts absorbed once they’re done reading the post.

Using charts or infographics sometimes in your blog posts can potentially make readers stay longer before clicking away.

And readers tend to remember most of the points analyzed in the content.

4. Target Optimized Post Lengths

You may want to consider what should be the average post length?

You can, of course, make your posts long enough and contain all the important information that must be conveyed to your readers.

Though the post has to be keyword-optimized, you must ensure you don’t bombard the entire post with a broad string of specialized keywords.

Your write-ups should be informative and detailed enough and must contain some quality, content-rich stuff that you can boast of.

But before you hit the publish button, you need to ask yourself: Is it something I would like to read over and over again?

Literally, longer posts (but quality enough) rank higher in search results.

In a study, the first 10 positions in search results always consist of blogs whose average word lengths range from 2000 words and above.

While you may want to aim at articles of 2000+ words, you should remember that you may not necessarily have all posts being up to that length.

And you should always mind quality over quantity.

You should also try crafting your post titles to captivate both your readers and major search engines.

Research shows that post titles containing 6–12 words get the most traffic hits.

5. Allow Guest Posters

I realize blogging takes time.

No matter how long you want to stay active on your blog, you could allow guest writers to contribute articles or posts.

You could invite a niche-related authority bloggers to contribute high-quality articles or invite a top blogger for an interactive interview session which can be printed in a question & answer pattern.

6. Respond to Clients’ Questions

You can achieve extra milestones by interacting with clients and responding to their questions.

You could come up with awesome and related topic ideas from the questions your clients might ask you.

When customers ask questions, you can answer those questions right on your blog, and that can be an avenue to engage your clients and come up with great content ideas for any of your future posts.

7. Publish a Periodic Roundup

A great idea for your blog is to publish roundup news periodically that may interest your readers.

You can simply sectionalize longer articles into sizeable lengths such that readers can easily read, digest, and apply what they learn to their practical business.

This could include posts from the past days, weeks, or months that you feel will be of great benefit to your audience.

Final Word

Creating a blog that generates free traffic consistently is not something that everyone can achieve.

All it needs commitment and consistency for a long period of time.

Those who know this secret and have the capability to work on the same thing for years are those who achieve success with blogging.



Hardik Raval

I share bite-sized gems of wisdom to help you navigate the path to personal and professional success.