How to Focus on Achieving Rewarding Success Rather Than the Possibility of Devastating Failure

Take advantage of my personal life lessons, learn how to avoid sabotaging yourself and your desired successes.

Frank Wesley
5 min readOct 13, 2020


Photo by Laurenz Kleinheider on Unsplash

Do you want to die today? I think not, nor does one want to fail.

This may sound a bit extreme but your brain and feelings are incapable of telling the difference.

If your goal is to be successful and I believe it is, you must stop setting your sights on failure and rather, set those sights on success.

Oddly enough, the fear of success presents as very powerful, sometimes stronger than fearing failure. This frequently is how self-sabotage establishes itself.

While spending so much energy on not working towards failure, your brain is subconsciously attempting to find reasons to not achieve success.

You may think you are preparing yourself to not fail but you are actually wasting valuable time and energy.

Your time and energy make up the output of your day. It is vitally important to use them productively. The goal is to focus on positive success.



Frank Wesley
Mental Health and Addictions Community

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