How To Get Rid Of Self-Doubt And Boost Your Confidence

3 min readAug 14, 2020


Especially when you’re struggling to believe in yourself

You are the only person that knows the right answers to the questions you seek. Leaping into the unknown is good sometimes, but always have an open mind to the possibility that you may fall flat on your face. If you do fall when you leap, do not take it personally nor let panic overwhelm you. It is part of the principle of leaping.

A while ago, I made a decision that fear and self-doubt are emotions that I have to master and use positively. So when I am afraid and doubt myself, I choose to focus more on my audience and my readers instead of worrying about myself. And I work through it by shining the light out away from myself.

I clearly understand why we allow insecurities and doubts to make us believe that we are incapable of achieving our goals, we’ve all made mistakes and failed several times in our past, and this could cause us to question our abilities. We all have strengths and flaws, but most of the time on our journey through life, our subconscious tends to believe the negative, shortcomings, and fear, rather than trusting our innate ability to conquer all our challenges.

I have this little voice in my head that tries to tell me that I don’t NEED to invest quality time and money for my business to grow, that it should become popular without putting in the work, and that it can’t grow organically. And when I hear this voice, I turn to my Whys, why I do what I do.

Believing in yourself is the first step towards achieving anything. People will rarely ever invest in your life or business if you don’t even believe it’s worth it.

Believing in yourself means that you will keep going even through failure. Steven Spielberg, Abraham Lincoln, Theodore Seuss Geiss, Michael Jordan, and even Oprah Winfrey are just some of the world’s highly successful people who experienced epic failure in public, yet kept going along the path until they achieved success.

Personally, my biggest problem is when I see mistakes in the work that I’ve made. As time goes by, I lose the connection with a piece of my work. I stop admiring it, and it shows. Thankfully, I have learned to focus more on what I do like about my products instead of the flaws. It also helps me relax my mind and body.

The more you believe you can achieve better, the more you continue to extend your vision and drive yourself to improve. It’s impossible to improve when you don’t believe in yourself or that you are capable of learning new things. If you don’t believe in yourself, you’re not going to achieve anything significant.

You have a limited amount of time. Why waste it doubting your abilities and restricting yourself to mediocrity?

Sometimes you leap and fly, sometimes you leap and fall.

Remember that when you fall, you can get back on your feet again. It is only a matter of time!




I want to help you discover and deploy your truest self, so you can create the changes you desire in your life. You can connect with me on Instagram @otaosese .