5 Easy Steps to Make an Unforgettable Presentation

Areti Vassou
Published in
4 min readSep 5, 2020


Simplicity is the ultimate attention magnet

Photo by Canva

Here’s the truth: public presentations are scaring almost everyone, even the most experienced ones! What you need to remember is that during a presentation you are having a conversation with your audience. The goal is to connect with them.

It’s not a monologue and for sure it’s not all about you. The star of the hour is the topic of your presentation, only the topic and not you and your achievements.

Master the Art of Presentation

Want to know how to make a presentation that everybody will admire? Start by writing down the core meaning of your presentation in one short paragraph. This 3–4 lines paragraph is your main message and what your audience should keep after you leave the room.

First of all, find the right topic, then do your research and finally create the best possible visuals. If you haven’t already tried Canva then start now! Canva provides professional presentation solutions for people that don’t have any graphic design background. So here are the 5 top tips for making outstanding presentations that will make an unforgettable impression.

Photo by Canva

1. Awesome Visuals

Trust the graphic design basic rules and follow the latest guidelines if you want to have beautiful presentations. Avoid fluo colors or combinations that scream that you lack good taste such as overstuffed visuals. Make it memorable but keep it simple.

2. One Idea Per Slide

Laser focus on one single idea on each screen. Use as few words as possible on each slide. Stay clear and focus on the main concept. Too much information and your audience will lose track. Use less than 10 words per slide.

3. Keep it Short

The magical rule of 10/20/30 in presentations will make you look like a super start. Tell your story in 10 slides, within 20 minutes, and use 30 point/size fonts. If you can not tell the important parts in 20 minutes then you don’t own your topic and you are not ready to appear for a public presentation.

4. Be a Storyteller

Tell a story that keeps your audience hooked, don’t just state the obvious facts. Human nature responds warmer to real stories that have a motivational impact. Lead your audience down the alley of a narrative journey.

Share how you deal with a situation or how you solved a common problem among your peers. By being real you have more chances to attract their attention and make them care to listen to all your story. Pick a friendly face in the crowd and speak directly to that face… it will make you feel more relaxed and will create a cozy atmosphere in the room.

By admitting your pitfalls or your insecurities in public can break the ice in seconds. Start with a joke or even your reluctance to do this presentation but be witty and pleasant.

5. Eye Contact

The slides you have prepared are the foundation of your story. Look at your audience directly and engage with them. Be present, creative, and active. Avoid just reading what is written in the slides. Ask questions that invite the audience to participate in the process. The more they participate the more they will keep it alive in their memory. Engagement is the top fundamental factor in communication.

Photo by Canva

One Extra Tip: Practice Makes Perfect

To boost your confidence there is one golden secret: practice, practice, practice! Film yourself and then watch carefully your video. See what points you need to polish in the way you move & talk.

At the moment I am preparing my next presentation about Digital Marketing Communication for Photographers and I have asked fellow photographers to gather and listen to my demo presentation. Their feedback has helped me to improve the final presentation. Open up to feedback from people that you value their opinion. You won’t believe how this step can improve your entire presentation.

Thank you for taking the time to read my story. Explore more of my stories on my Blog and on LinkedIn, Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter. In case social media isn’t your cup of tea, we can connect here, in the wonderful world of Medium.



Areti Vassou

Managing Director at IDEADECO SEO Copywriting Agency, providing Content Strategy, SEO, Copywriting, Branding, Email Marketing. www.ideadeco.co