6 Steps to improve how much you remember after reading or consuming books, articles, and podcasts on programming

Stop forgetting interesting articles, books, or podcasts from your favorite authors.


As a software developer and someone interested in self-improvement on a wide scale of different areas, I read many books & articles daily. For an extended period, I had trouble remembering everything I read or had difficulty finding back what I found just a day ago.

There is such information overload these days from exciting tweets, articles on medium, interesting Instagram stories, podcasts the resonate with me. I experimented with notebooks, Evernote, bookmarks, or todo apps that kept reading lists. But this wasn’t enough.

When you read, it’s normal to forget significant parts of a book or article. This is an entirely normal phenomenon called the Forgetting Curve.


Hermann Ebbinghaus was a german psychologist that ran a limited study and published his hypothesis in 1885. He studied the memorization of nonsense syllables by repeatedly testing himself after various periods and…



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Entrepreneur, PHP developer, Magento 2 and laravel specialist, Coffee snob // professional Sports photographer // 📍Rotterdam, the Netherlands 🇳🇱