Looking to outsource your software development? Choose Poland. Here’s why

5 min readJul 24, 2020


polish software house

If you’re considering outsourcing your software development, you literally have the entire world to choose from. There are specialists everywhere, but today, we want to talk about why it might be a good move to choose the country of Marie Skłodowska-Curie and The Witcher, and the world’s best sausage. Poland.

In the modern world, software outsourcing usually makes one think about China or India. We don’t imply there’s anything wrong with software houses from these countries. Nevertheless, these are the countries most clients go to, and high demand may hamper the ability to deliver a quality product.

At the same time, the rest of the world exists. Countries where equally, if not more skilled programmers have the ability to provide top quality due to their well organized work flows. Polish developers are such experts. But we at fireup.pro are Polish ourselves. We have sausage and pierogi in our DNA. It wouldn’t be fair if you had to take all this just from us.

What are studies saying about Polish developers?

Codemasters from Poland scored third in HackerRank’s global developer challenges, with a near-perfect index of 98.0. Considering that we’re talking about an event with 1.5 MILLION participants from 50 countries, this was a huge success for Kowalskis. Poles also aced the challenges in such programming competitions like Central European Programming Contest (CEPC), Google Code Jam, Microsoft Imagine Cup or TopCoder.

Beside being in the world’s top 3, Poles are considered the single best nation when it comes to Java programming, and take the second place in Python. An average Polish software house is most likely to specialize in Java (30%), C++ (25%), Python (20%) or SQL (just below 20%). It’s also been observed that Poland has an exceptionally low rate of dropped challenges — just 2.7% haven’t been completed. This suggests that Poles aren’t afraid to roll up their sleeves and complete the most demanding jobs.

Regardless of how big or small your company is, you CAN find a software house in Poland to deliver exactly what you expect. But… Why are the Polish programmers so DOBRZY?

Top X reasons why Polish code is so… polished

Pardon the pun.

1. Education

The fact is that Polish developers are exceptionally well educated in both math and programming. According to New York Times, about 40% of Poles between 25 and 34 have a university degree, placing it at the second place among all compared countries. To give you a frame of reference: the U.S. is 11th with a ratio of 35%. Poles make for 10% of all ICT specialists among all the university graduates in the European Union!

These surprising statistics are the results of the country’s Ministry of Education emphasis on STEM sciences. This works like extra propulsion for the local software development market. In Poland, it’s easy to not only find a skilled and qualified programmer, but also to build a competent team.

2. Focus on the latest technologies

Most Polish developers work with the latest versions of available tools and apply the latest best practices in their workplace. Who wouldn’t, right? Well, it turns out that this is not a common custom around the world.

Let us tell you what we do at fireup.pro to make sure we deliver a top-notch product. Let’s take enterprise software development as an example.

First of all, we approach every project in a smart way. We use the latest technologies, but only the solutions that are already acclaimed by the developer community. The reason is that enterprise doesn’t like ‘cutting-edge’. Cutting-edge tends to show up in a blaze of glory and disappear as quickly. We choose technologies that we know are going to last — making exceptions when we’re actually tasked with creating something daring and innovative.

What else do we do?

- We use Github, Gitlab and other repositories to keep track of all the versions of the code and be able to compare it with older builds.

- We test. And we test a lot — in JUnit, Selenium, Apache JMeter, Cypress.io, Postman, Serenity, REST Assured… — to ensure our code works, works fast, and works safe. Testing is usually automatic, but only after we manually set everything up.

- With continuous builds via Gitlab, Jenkins or Ansible, we quickly deliver a presentable solution to the client and to the end user.

- Docker containers let us test and integrate the components of a system and ensure implementation repeatability.

- We monitor our apps and components thoroughly and continuously through Prometheus, Grafana, or Kibana/Elk.

- Most importantly, we follow the current tech trends, and make sure our programmers can learn and develop professionally.

3. Varied models of outsourcing

Flexibility is the key. Do you need your application made from scratch? Or do you wish to get help only at some specific stages of development? Do you already have an app that you want to upgrade or update? To quote the wisest show ever, Muppet Babies: WE CAN FIX IT!

If you choose software outsourcing and come Polish developers, we can support you in any capacity. From creating an MVP to maintaining a fully functional product. You can choose all kinds of software houses with all kinds of work flows. They will either serve as your IT development department or an additional backup team, or complement the dev squad you have on board. There are also many ways in which you can settle accounts. Learn more here: https://fireup.pro/blog/fixed-price-or-time--material-how-to-settle-with-an-it-company.

4. Meeting the UE security standards

Poland is GDPR compliant, meaning that your data is always safe and sound. This is a matter you should seriously consider when looking for an IT partner. And especially when they are going to deal with your customer data. Fortunately, as a member country of the EU, any Polish software house simply has to comply with the Union’s high standards.

Software outsourcing is a challenge for any company

There’s no denying this simple truth. You have to find the right people, create a team, plan its work, and be able to control the entire creative/engineering process.

At the same time, you have to take care of your core business. Find new clients, enter new markets.

If you outsource software development to an able team, you can get rid of at least of a couple of these challenges.

If you’re considering finding an IT partner, let us invite you to Poland on behalf of all us pierogi lovers. We’re proud that our fellow programmers are so well regarded around the world. We’ll be more than happy to share our experience with you. Do zobaczenia!




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