Planning With Too Much Detail Is Futile

I stopped caring about results so I could get back on track.

Laurent Duperval
5 min readSep 22, 2020
Winding road seen from aerial view.
Photo by Jaromír Kavan on Unsplash

I thought I had it all under control. I had a clear idea of where I was going. By the time the summer was over, I would be a good way toward replacing the income that I lost at the start of the pandemic.

Part of the plan was to publish every day, learn from it, and adjust accordingly. That, of course, was on top of finding new clients.

The kink in the armor showed up almost immediately. I had trouble keeping up with my original goal, and after a bit more than a week, my production had already suffered.

It doesn’t matter, I thought, I just need to reset the counter and start over until I complete the challenge.

Then everything went bust.

When your carefully-laid plans hit significant challenges, what do you do?

In the past, I ignored such situations and just tried to plow through. More than once, it almost caused me to burn out. Today, I have learned to take a step back and take stock before plowing on blindly.

Little bumps along the road are normal. What about when you hit major crevasses?



Laurent Duperval

Bilingual Cybersecurity Copywriter and Certified Content Marketer, I write content that attracts the customers you want. I write it so you don’t have to.