Easy and Quick Guide to Starting a Thriving Freelance Writing Business

What you need to know to start building your freelance writing business.

Aigner Loren Wilson
At Home Pro Writers


Photo by Glenn Carstens-Peters on Unsplash

Maybe you already have a business going or are just about to start one. No matter where you are on your journey, I’m writing to you.

I’m writing because I want to share more of my processes and steps in an effort to make something a little bit easier for you. If there’s something that wasn’t covered in this article, let me know in the comments.

I’ll work up an updated version that has the information you are looking for included in it. That way we are all growing together.

In this article, I’m going to go over what I did to set up my writing business. I won’t go into the real nitty-gritty technical stuff like setting up a business account and all that fun financial jazz. What we’ll be focusing on is the internal workings of the business, where I find clients and assignments, and how you can implement this too.


When I first started out — hell, even before I first started out, I focused on learning from the people who were doing what I wanted to do.

That is a common piece of advice. Where I am going to push things further to…



Aigner Loren Wilson
At Home Pro Writers

Helping writers tell better stories and sell their work. Work in Better Humans| The Writer| The Writing Cooperative. Follow to level up your writing.