Simple Ways To Show Kindness in These Difficult Times

Kindness is Like a Boomerang, It Always Returns!

Karmelina Husejnovic


You know the feeling when you come to the coffee machine and find that the person who bought coffee before you left some change in the machine. I always like to think that he or she did it on purpose, that whoever left it did not just forget to take it but left the change to make whoever is buying coffee next, happy.

To put a smile on someone’s face — isn’t that just the best feeling? And it is contagious — it makes you smile as well to know that you’ve made someone’s day.

But how to ensure, that you get your daily dose of “smiles” — even if it’s just you smiling on the inside? The solution is pretty much straightforward — surround yourself with positive people and make people, even total strangers, smile … in any way. Especially if you can do it when they least expect it.

The time of crisis is also the time when people appreciate small acts of kindness even more. For the past few months, I have spent almost every night thinking about how I can make a change, how I can help people who are going through hardships or just give them some hope, that there still is good in this world.



Karmelina Husejnovic

An experienced journalist. Aspiring writer. Linguist. Dreamer. Fighting Ego since 2014. Unboxing life