Take a break, and enjoy tonight.

Merritt J. L.
3 min readOct 21, 2020


Take some time off. You’ve earned it.

Photo by Lisa Fotios from Pexels

“A little nonsense now and then, is cherished by the wisest men.”

Congrats! You made it through another day. That, in itself, is an achievement.

As the day winds down, your time for productivity is better spent in rest. Whatever that means to you.

For some, resting means journaling or writing on their blog (hey, that’s me!).

Resting allows you to mentally recover from your day and builds motivation going into the next. And thus, your productivity tomorrow will benefit greatly from your decision to rest tonight.

Unless you’re, like, the president or CEO of a large company, then you probably don’t need to be working at all hours of the day. And if you are working at all hours of the day, then getting adequate rest is even more necessary.

The most neglected part of our lives is mental health.

In a poor state of mental health, our work suffers.

We are less motivated, less productive, and ultimately, the quality of our work suffers as well.

There is a lot of self-induced guilt surrounding taking a break. This is quite simply because society has an unhealthy obsession with quantity over quality.

Society tells us that if we are not working at all hours of the day, even if it is not absolutely necessary, then we are wasting not only our time but our inherent ability to work-work-work.

But here’s the thing, we aren’t designed to work non-stop. It isn’t healthy, and it is incredibly detrimental.

Take time to yourself and for your family or loved ones. Never neglect those who care for you. If you ignore them, then you will lose them. There is no glory in having an empty funeral.

The quality of your life is determined by the relationships you build, not the wealth you amass.

Great wealth comes with very little joy if there is no one to share it with.

As said by my favorite musician, J. Cole,

“I roll with some fiends, I love ’em to death
I got a few mil’ but not all of them rich
What good is the bread if my n****s is broke?
What good is first class if my n****s can’t sit?
That’s my next mission, that’s why I can’t quit
Just like LeBron, get my n****s more chips”

Your time is important, and your time is incredibly limited. But you are not alone. The time of those you love is also limited, and is just as important to them as yours is to you.

The hard reality of life is that people will move on from you if you do not show them that you want them in your life.

So show them that you value them. Tell those who matter to you that they are important. Tell them you love them. Build memories, build relationships, and build a life that really matters.

So take that rest. Watch that movie, read that book, write that article. Do you.

