The Problem with Sustainability

Tara Naylor
2 min readOct 5, 2020


The Problem with Sustainability. Showing the sun, tree a cartoon female and the people, planet, profit circles.
The Problem with Sustainability
Female cartoon character standing next to a box that says sustainability.
Cartoon female standing next to a chart with time.
What are we sustaining?
Cartoon female next to a chart showing energy, $ growth and population increasing exponentially.
Are we sustaining the status quo?
Image of a circle with people holding hands inside and trees and grasses and birds.
Are we sustaining a life of well-being?
Picture of cartoon female standing next to a calendar. What is our timeline for transition?
What is our timeline for transition?
Cartoon female standing next to a plant and a simplified picture of the material and energy cycle of ecosystems.
The idea of regeneration
Cartoon female sitting on ground, among plants with rain cloud and sunshine. We cannot exist without sun, water, soil, plants
We cannot exist without the sun, water, soil, plants
Picture of two cities. One with a truck, buildings and no plants. The other with gardens, trees and lots of plants.
Basing our lives around life and living systems.
Image representing solar powered earth cycles of carbon, phosphorus, water, nitrogen, oxygen.
Circular, perpetual resource use
Picture of forest with some trees cut into logs. Person fishing in a pond. Respecting the regeneration rate of resources.
Respect the regeneration rate of every resource
Picture of a city and small community with a river, gardens, trees, people and wind-power.
Enhancing our own health while regenerating the biosphere

