The Secret to Achieving Anything You Want

Madison Mariani
4 min readSep 13, 2020


Take a look at the difference between fixed and growth mindsets, learn the rules of having a growth mindset, and find some tips to help get started.

“Start with a growth mindset, the deep-seated belief that your true potential is still unknown.”

– Creative Confidence, by David M. Kelley and Tom Kelley

One of the most common obstacles that people face when trying to achieve their goals is having the wrong mindset. Challenges arise, things get hard, you hit a plateau, and you think, “maybe I’m just not cut out to do this.”

The secret is: no one is really cut out to do anything. Sure people are born with certain natural talents. But that doesn’t mean anyone who’s not born with some natural ability isn’t able to get better and grow.

If we are able to believe in ourselves and our ability to improve, not only will we grow creative confidence, but we will find that there are no limitations for our personal, professional, or creative success.

Researcher, psychologist, and Stanford professor, Carol Dweck, calls this a “growth mindset.” People with a growth mindset believe that they can learn and develop new talents. They view their failure and criticism as an opportunity to learn, change, or pivot. This is in contrast with a “fixed mindset.” People with a fixed mindset think that their talents are innate and unchangeable. They assume that they are naturally good at some things, bad at other things, and that that division doesn’t shift.

Let’s jump in!

“Success in almost every area of life can be influenced by how we think about our talents and abilities.” (Forbes)


As you can imagine, those with a growth mindset tend to outperform those with a fixed mindset. Let’s take a look at some basic beliefs of each mindset.


Fixed Mindset

Give up after failure or facing obstacles | “If I can’t do it, I’m just not cut out for it.”

Feedback is personal | “It’s embarrassing to hear criticism. They probably think I’m not capable enough to succeed.”

Easier tasks and less work | “I’d rather do things I know I’m good at. Why bother trying at things I’m bad at?”

Outcome Oriented | “The best way to show my success is to track my outcomes and assess my end result”

Talent alone leans to success | “The people who find great success were probably born with that talent. I should really only focus on my own natural talents.”

Growth Mindset

More failure/obstacles = more learning | “These setbacks will help me to learn and grow so that my outcome will be even better.”

Feedback can guide me | “It is helpful to hear what other people think so that I can learn and gain new perspectives.”

Chooses to be challenged | “I want to work on difficult tasks so that I can grow . These tasks will challenge me to take creative risks and lead to innovation.”

Focus on journey of improvement | “My success is not just about just achieving outcomes. The journey of growth is just as important as the end result.”

Basic abilities are just a starting point | “I can learn to do whatever I set my mind to. I should focus on working hard and developing the skills that help me achieve my goals.”


There Are Three Rules That Dweck States To Achieve A Growth Mindset

1. In a fixed mindset, the cardinal rule is: Look talented at all costs. In a growth mindset, the cardinal rule is: Learn, learn, learn!

2. In a fixed mindset, the second rule is: Don’t work too hard or practice too much. In a growth mindset, the rule is: Work with passion and dedication — effort is the key.

3. In a fixed mindset, the third rule is: When faced with setbacks, run away or conceal your deficiencies. In a growth mindset, the rule is: Embrace your mistakes and confront your deficiencies.



1. View Challenges as Opportunities. In other words, say yes and try hard. Whatever comes your way is a new opportunity to learn and grow.

2. Stop worrying about what other people think. The biggest “trigger” of fixed mindsets is the fear of making a fool of yourself if you fail. Let go of the fear of judgement and trust that you will grow far beyond anyone who might judge you for your failures.

3. Learn well and fully rather than fast. (I am the biggest culprit of this one.) Don’t take shortcuts and don’t speed through the learning process in pursuit of the finish line. Take your time to fully develop you skills and they will serve you well the rest of your life.

4. Mistakes DO NOT mean “failure.” Everyone makes mistake, everyone has those days. The path to success is not linear so don’t beat yourself up when things don’t go your way. Pick yourself up, learn, and keep moving forward.

5. Develop grit. Like I said, the path of success is going to be made up of a lot of failure. Learn to not take things too personally, persevere, and power through.

7. Focus on the little wins. You learn something new everyday. Set mini goals along the way keep up morale and track you progress.

8. Be patient. Success, learning, and development all take time. Even growth mindset itself will take time to adopt. Be patient with yourself, trust the process, and enjoy the journey.



Madison Mariani

Passionate about innovation at the intersection of fashion, technology (particularly web3 and metaverse), and sustainability.