There Are No Secrets to Succeeding on Medium

Whoever tells you otherwise is lying.

Desiree Peralta
With love, Dessy


Image by Adina Voicu on Pixabay

Eight months ago, I started writing on Medium with zero writing experience before.

In fact, I don’t even know English. I was finishing an English course, and I wanted to continue practicing my knowledge and keep improving.

Before that, I had never in my life spoken “professionally” in English. The only experience I had ever had with people was ordering a coffee when I went on vacation.

Also, my first posts were crap.

Anyone who enters now and reads them would think why someone who writes like that would want to start a writing career?

Eight months later, I’m making 4 figures a month writing, and I have over +100,000 views monthly only here.

Stats screenshot — by the author

I'm telling you this because I want you to know that anyone can achieve the same results even without experience or be an expert in the language.

But it wasn’t like that from the beginning.

My first 6 months were difficult, especially since I didn’t have the proper experience.



Desiree Peralta
With love, Dessy

Turning ideas into reality. Programmer by profession, Writer by passion. Finance and business advice. | Weekly money advice