This Is What’s Needed for Genuine Change to Happen

Real change in the world begins within each one of us

Trip Kimball


Photo by Hudson Hintze on Unsplash

Virtues like honesty and integrity are nice but boring, at least our American pop culture values seem to declare this.

Ever notice how the feel-good stories come at the end of a broadcast? It’s not an afterthought, it’s about priorities.

The news media feed off scandals and scares, as do we who watch it. The simple truth is — good news doesn’t sell. It’s nice to hear but gossip, rumor, and scandal win out over heart-warming stories.

“got milk?”

Remember the “got milk?” commercials and posters? They were part of an ad campaign to sell more milk using clever and humorous approaches and often featured someone famous with a “milk mustache.”

Nowadays, milk comes in many different forms including, soy, almond, oat, and cow’s milk. Not to mention the various forms of cow’s milk from fat-free to lactose-free. And cow’s milk is considered simple, nutritious food.

Is milk the top beverage sold in America? Hardly. After water, carbonated soft drinks are more than twice as popular as milk. The inclusion of famous people helped extol the virtues of milk.



Trip Kimball

I’m a seasoned pastor, missionary, and writer committed to making what is abstract and conceptual, simple and clear. I also write at–