Why You Should Go to the Gym Every. Single. Day.

We aren’t wired to make smart choices, we try to make easy ones

Eliran Wolf
2 min readJul 12, 2020
Silhouette of 2 men jogging in sunset
Photo by Pixabay

I go to the gym every day because I’m the laziest person I know.

Whenever I have a choice, I know I’ll pick the easier option.

Think of it like this, you’re on a strict no sugar diet, and your colleague is celebrating his birthday and brings cake to the office. Most people would probably see the cake, and give in after a short timeframe.

You need to know that you (and myself, with a history of being a chubby child that loves sweets), like most people, and would give in quickly, and if you wouldn’t, you’re usually in one of these categories:

  • Have already fought against your own instinct in the past about this issue and thus the choice is easy enough for you.
  • In the 1% that know to make conscious choices against their own desires.
  • Lying to yourself.

If most people had a choice between cuddling up in their bed, on a cold morning, or going out to the gym in shorts, they would stay at home.

Because that’s how they’re wired to make choices.

Don’t let yourself choose

I don’t have the energy to fight these inner battles with myself each day. I’ve got work, and I leave the smallest amount of free time in my schedule.

“Should I skip today and just go tomorrow?”

“I’m tired from partying last night”

“I’m not feeling it today”

Everyone at the gym thinks about these things. Everyone at work thinks about these things.

When you start thinking you stop doing.

Make it a part of you

Habits are the strongest power in the universe.

They are the difference between being average and being at the top.

If you do something every day, even if you’re not the most skilled, smartest, or giving 100%, you will do better than a person who doesn’t do it daily.

Sometimes I go to the gym and run, sometimes I do 20 minutes of light training and sometimes I just give everything I’ve got. And still, I always go.

I know my situation might be different than yours. I have a gym partner, and a car to drive to the gym. Sometimes my gym partner will not wake up, and I’ll leave without him, or the car will break down, and I’ll walk or take a taxi.

I know that I will go every day, and the day that I stop, I won’t.

