You Get What You Tolerate

Blaming others and being salty gets you nowhere

Adam Murauskas
2 min readJul 8, 2020
Photo by Sincerely Media on Unsplash

If you tolerate abuse in any form, you are teaching people that it’s ok to abuse you. It’s very easy and all too common for people to stay stuck in victimhood.

All you have to do is nothing.

Don’t speak up. Don’t set a boundary. Don’t remove toxic people from your life. Don’t take action to change your circumstances. Just stay where you are. Keep doing the same thing over and over again and complaining about the inevitably awful outcome.

Why Do People Do This?

One reason is toxic shame. This type of shame tells you that you are a mistake; you are worthless; you are a burden; you should be better than this, but you’re not because you’re garbage. That’s toxic shame. And it drives depression, which many don’t understand.

Depression is not being sad. There’s a term for being sad. It’s called… “being sad.”

Depression is indifference. Depression is clinical nihilism. When you don’t want to get out of bed because doing life is just not worth it today.

In this state, many people want to die, but don’t want to kill themselves all obvious-like, so they engage in various unhealthy behaviors and addictions. Suicide on the installment plan…

