Your Nightdreams Are a Special Relationship Waiting to Meet You

Here are 3 steps to tap into that relationship

Carolyn Riker
Being Known


Photo by Aziz Acharki on Unsplash

Nightdreams excite me. Why? Because dreams are a gift from somewhere deep inside of us and a relationship to better understand who we are.

What are our dreams telling us? How do we figure them out?

With some patience and practice here’s how I work with my own nightdreams and with my client’s nightdreams.

First, some dreaming background

Carl Gustav Jung was a Swiss psychiatrist and psychoanalyst who extensively studied nightdreams and their mysteries. One of my favorite quotes by Jung is:

“The dream is a little hidden door in the innermost and most secret recesses of the soul, opening into that cosmic night….”

June Singer, Jungian analysist and author of Boundaries of the Soul is a wonderful resource on exploring Carl Jung’s psychology and better understanding of our nightdreams. For instance, Singer writes,

“the important thing [about dreams] is to record the dream, to pay attention to it, and to allow the dream to speak for itself. It is not even absolutely necessary that the dream…



Carolyn Riker
Being Known

Carolyn's latest book, The Colors I Hear, is now available!