Some of my books!

How do I Start Reading Daily?

Benjamin Lizardo
The Inquisitive Student
3 min readJan 21, 2018


Learn to create a daily reading habit.

You have probably heard that successful people read a lot. Some say they read more than 100 books a year! You might ask your self, how am I supposed to read so many books? Well, here I’ll talk about how to start your reading habit and the benefits of reading daily.

If you do (or have done) exercise you know how good it is for your body, you feel with more energy through the day and less tired after doing some physical activity. You might also remember those first days exercising, the body pain in the morning, barely able to lift something, but after like the first week your body starts to get used to it and you crave more! Reading is like exercise but for the brain! The first week might not be so easy if you are not used to it but after around a week your brain starts getting used to it and asks for you to read more and more!

Now, how do I start reading?

Here are some of my tips to get you started.

Start reading about something you love

In my example, I started to read books of programming since I love to program. Then after I felt comfortable reading I added books of other things that interested me like neurology, food, etc. reading of something you really love will make you eager to read.

Try reading in the morning and at night

Reading in the morning prepares your brain for the whole day and wake you up. I normally try to wake up around 5 am. After doing my wake up routing I try reading between 15–30 minutes. Believe me that waking early is worth it. You will feel more energy throughout the day. And at night I tend to read 1 hour.

Read after taking a shower

After taking a shower your body and mind will be more relaxed. Making it easier for you to concentrate on the reading.

Good light

Remember to have good lighting when reading so your eyes don’t get fatigued.

Make notes

Carry a journal or some sticky notes and a pen with you if you would like to make notations of the reading without writing the book itself. Making you recall and review what you have read.

Be disciplined and consistent

The first week might not be so easy but try hard to read daily. After this time your brain will ask you to read and it will be easier and you’ll notice you will also read faster and understand better what you read.

Carry a book with you around

Carrying a book with you around is perfect for reading if you are waiting in line or if you want to read on your lunch break. After a while, you will notice that you will be looking forward to those breaks just to read!

Reading alone is not enough, discuss

If you just read you won’t get the most out of what you read. Try finding a reading partner or a club to share what you read, and have discussions about it making you recall the book and making the memory of it stronger.

Now go get a book and start reading!



Benjamin Lizardo
The Inquisitive Student

Computer engineering student fascinated for science, nature, and health. I Also love to read and produce creative thoughts and share them with people.