Bioware Wins Best Horror Game for Mass Effect: Andromeda

The Insatiable Gamer
The Insatiable Gamer
2 min readMar 26, 2017

The latest 40 million dollar mistake game from Bioware, Mass Effect: Andromeda, has had a thoroughly interesting release week so far, as you’ve no doubt heard. It may still be a little early in the year, but we here at TIG are already confident enough to award Mass Effect: Andromeda our award for best horror game of 2017.

Andrew Meda, our guest reviewer for the latest entry in the stellar Mass Effect series, watched a youtube video of the gameplay at a friend’s house, and here’s what he had to say;

“They seem to be going for a very subtle approach to the horror elements in Andromeda. For example all of the characters you interact with seem relatively normal, yet vaguely lifeless and unsettling to behold. When they aren’t staring at you with dead eyes and no emotion, their facial expressions and dialogue seem a bit unnatural, like they’re stifling some kind of internal conflict while simultaneously trying not to shit themselves.

This level of psychological horror plays on your subconscious brilliantly, and really gives you something to think about.”

mass effect andromeda
Truly unnerving

Meanwhile our TIG chief economist discusses some of the wider business decisions made by Bioware in developing the game.

“You know, it’s not really surprising to see how this game turned out. Judging by the final product it’s hard to believe that this is a game that cost millions of dollars, especially when you consider the amount of cheap intern labour and diverse team of college students that made up the development team. It’s barely indistinguishable from any other big budget game made by people who don’t have a clue what they’re doing.

All of this, along with a developer who constantly talks about his hatred of white people on Twitter — how could this game possibly go wrong?”

Originally published at The Insatiable Gamer.

