7 Tips for Creating a Dental Hygiene Program for Your Child

The Insider Tales
Published in
4 min readFeb 25, 2021

It’s every loving parent’s duty to teach their kids their right way to care for their health from an early age.

You’ve probably had plenty of talks with your young kids about why they need to eat plenty of fruits and veggies and take their daily baths, but what have you taught them about their teeth?

Simply teaching your kids how to brush their teeth isn’t enough. A dental hygiene program your kids can follow is important.

Did you know that tooth decay is one of the most common health issues kids face? Cavities and plaque build-up can lead to more serious problems as your children age, so take the time to teach your kids important dental hygiene tips now so they don’t suffer in the future.

Want to know how you can get your kids, brushing, flossing, and using mouthwash like pros? If you’re ready to start teaching kids about dental hygiene, make sure you follow these tips.

  1. Know There’s No “Too Early”

How old do you think your child needs to be to start seeing a dentist? Some parents assume that the right time to bring their kids is when they’re toddlers, but some pediatricians recommend sending kids to the dentist before their first birthday.

It’s important to remember that getting your kid comfortable with caring for their teeth doesn’t just teach them good hygiene. If they’re familiar with the best way to care for their teeth and what’s normal for them, it can also make them more aware of potential problems.

If your child is old enough to hold a spoon, they’re old enough to learn how to brush. Embrace teaching them about proper hygiene as soon as you can.

  1. Let Them Explore

You’ll have to supervise and make sure things are done the right way, but we highly encourage letting kids get hands-on experience caring for their teeth.

Are you worried about your child harming themselves while they brush? Don’t worry, there are plenty of specially designed toothbrushes for young kids that are learning how to properly brush. Pair those with fluoride-free toothpaste and mouthwash and you’ll be set up for success.

  1. Lead By Example

It’ll be hard for kids to understand the importance of dental health if they don’t see their parents following the same routines. If you really want your kids to embrace dental health from an early age, follow the same routines they do.

Let your child watch how you care for your teeth and give them the tools they’ll need to start caring for their own teeth. Watching you go through your own dental health routine reinforces that dental hygiene is important and gives them an idea of what to do.

Some parents even like to brush their teeth with their kids together. It reinforces the importance of good dental care and can also be a nice opportunity to bond.

  1. Bring in Teaching Aids

Does your child love storytime? Do they have a favorite on a TV show? If you want to teach your kids about the importance of caring for their teeth, consider using books, TV, and movies to help.

There are plenty of books and special videos that are made to teach kids about dental hygiene. They’ll help reinforce some of the lessons you’re teaching your kids about dental health and do it in a fun way.

It’s also worth doing a quick Google search to see if your kid’s favorite show has a dental hygiene episode. Sesame Street, Dora the Explorer, and even Spongebob Squarepants have episodes about going to the dentist.

  1. Don’t Forget About Diet

Teaching your kids about the importance of brushing and flossing is important, but that’s only one part of dental hygiene. If you want your kids to make smart choices about dental care, also be sure to stress how diet can affect dental health.

Don’t just focus on how candy, soda, and other sweets can hurt their teeth. Talk about how eating plenty of calcium can help keep their teeth and bones strong.

Get kids really involved in mealtime. Take time to explain why you choose to put certain foods on their plate and how they can keep them healthy.

  1. Find A Pediatric Dentist

Plenty of doctors have niches, and the same goes for dentists. Some places like Aria Dental focus on implants and dentures. Other practices may focus on orthodontics. Your child may need to see a specialty dentist in the future, but for now, focus on finding them a pediatric dentist.

A good pediatric dentist can monitor your child’s dental development. They’ll be able to catch any serious issues before they worsen.

The right pediatric dentist can be worth their weight in gold. Finding someone that’s used to working with kids and knows how to make them comfortable will be important if you want to teach your children about proper dental hygiene.

  1. Reward Good Behavior

Positive reinforcement can do a lot to help establish good routines and kids. Make sure you reward your kids for following whatever routine you set up.

Try to avoid rewarding them with sweet treats like candy. It can be difficult for kids to grasp the ties between diet and dental health if you give them sugar for caring for their teeth. Try other ways to show them that you’re proud of their hard work.

Some parents give their kids stickers for each day they follow their routine. Others let their kids pick out toys or even their next toothbrush for good dental hygiene.

Go Beyond A Dental Hygiene Program

Establishing a good dental hygiene program for your child early on is important for their overall health. Educating them on the right way to care for their teeth can help ensure that they adopt good hygiene practices as they grow.

Since you’re already thinking about dental health, let’s think about other ways you can help your child’s total health.

Have you talked to your child about the importance of staying active? Does your child know how to talk about their feels and care for their mental health?

We have a lot of helpful health content on our site. Browse our posts so you can learn more about topics that matter to you the most.

Originally published at The Insider Tales.

