Satyam Dash
The Insider Tales
Published in
4 min readJun 18, 2017

Have you been on multiple dates but failed to please your man? Is continuing with one man the problem you face? If that’s what is happening, rectifying your dating approach is what you need. Its never too late to start again. The following tips will tell you exactly what men expect from you in a date.

1. Be on time

Do not keep your man waiting for too long.

This is the first and most important thing on a date. Punctuality is very important because it sets the mood for the entire day to follow. We do understand that you want to wear your best outfit to impress your man but if you keep your man waiting for too long it would not be too impressive. This is why it is always advisable that you select your outfit and have a fair idea of the location of your date so that you can be on time.

2. A little physical show of affection is always appreciated

Holding hands is desirable when you are on a date.

No matter how decent or how intellectual a man may seem to be most men love it when their girlfriend holds their hand or cuddles with them. Cuddling sort of relaxes men and makes them feel that you are genuinely interested in them. While this is something most men desire on a date please be careful of the environment in which you are in. If getting physical is not acceptable at the place of your date do not invite any unwanted trouble.

3. Take the initiative in starting the conversations

Contrary to popular belief men actually do love chatting provided the topic interests them. Its not expected that you talk about his favorite sports team but at least do not bring up hardcore girl discussions like shopping or fashion accessories. Men like it when their girlfriend initiates the conversation. It signifies that you are interested in him. Try asking questions of a personal nature so that you can get to know your man better.

4. Split the bill

Feminism should not exist only on social media. You should use it even in your life and certainly in your dates. Always try to pay equally for the expenses which you incur. Not only is this economical for your boyfriend but also shows you in good light. Isn’t it fair that when both of you enjoy something both of you should pay for it?

5. No conversation about other guys

Men are mostly insecure humans. While talking about ex boyfriends can spoil the mood of your date completely you should also avoid speaking about your guy friends. Talking about other men makes them feel jealous as they start feeling that you are eyeing other men. There are a million different things you can talk about so try to avoid saying things which would make your man feel insecure.

6. Do not concentrate too much on your make up

Do not put too much make-up for a date.

We understand that you want to look your best on a date but do always remember ‘there is more to love than only appearances’. He is your man. You do not need to impress him by your looks. When you are on a date spend the entire time with him instead of fiddling with your hair or re-applying the make-up. The attention which you give him is sure to impress him more than your looks.

7. Be straightforward

Do not show any fake emotions or show false interest when you are not interested in something. Most guys are straight forward and like to be addressed directly. They would really appreciate it if you tell them directly what is troubling you instead of you going and complaining about it to your friends.

8. Do not fiddle with your phone

Using your phone while on a date can spoil the mood of your man.

This is a strict no for both men and women when they are on a date. It just shows your lack of interest in your partner and upsets his mood. The purpose of the date is spending quality time with each other. Do things in which both of you can be involved. Keep aside your work and social media commitments when you are with your man.

9. Talk about the date and decide when you want to meet next

Men love reminiscing their dates. Talking about how well the date went is something that your man would love to indulge in. It also makes them feel that the date was equally enjoyable for you. Deciding on the next date is something which you should do mutually so that your love life can bloom further.

Image credits- Google images

Originally published at The Insider Tales.

