The Insights — S02E04

Angelo Agdeppa
The Insights
Published in
4 min readJul 22, 2018
Screengrabbed from Nestle Philippines YouTube Channel.

If you clicked this link because you already know the ad that I’ll feature, then at this point, we can already agree on one thing — this ad is amazing. What’s more amazing is that this ad is the latest of the series — it isn’t a one time thing. From the very first material aired till now, it has continued to captivate Filipinos. From start to end, people who see the material are hooked to it, eager to see how the characters react to one another. It is storytelling in another level, and it was only a matter of time before I feature it here. Now I am.

I’ve been studying Nido’s TVCs from the first moment I saw it. I thought it was just a one time thing, a nice material that won’t have its “sequel”. After all, a lot of commercials are like that — showing a different story and treatment every time.

Or maybe, I just don’t expect much from this brand. I expect different approaches for Bear Brand every time they show up, but not Nido.

Yet Nido changed my view all the same. Suddenly, formula milk TVCs are not just the usual hard-sell and formulaic (pun intended) stories, highlighting this and that. The advent of this series exceeded my expectations; now, I expect every commercial to try a little harder.

Screengrabbed from Nestle Philippines YouTube Channel.

We all know how we were captivated by this story. It’s not Noah, or his love for dinosaurs. (Sorry Noah, I love dinosaurs too. Haha) The truth is: The story isn’t about Noah, but at the same time, all of it is.

Nido is showing the true meaning of parenthood, regardless of the situation the parents are in. Noah’s parents understand the value of being there for their kid, the value of being there when the kid is in his formative years, learning and trying and enjoying life as he knows it. And by being there for Noah, they don’t realize that they are also being there for each other.

“The story isn’t about Noah, but at the same time, all of it is.”

Of course, we cannot help but hope that Noah’s parents get back together. That’s how we are, we want happy endings — just like what we always witness from love stories in paper and on screen. And this series feeds the hopeless romantic in us, making us look forward to the next material.

Screengrabbed from Nestle Philippines YouTube Channel.

The acting helped us cling to the narrative. Those worried looks, awkward glances keep us at the edge of our seats. Everyone is anticipating something — a hint that all will be better.

But no matter how kilig we feel and how high we get our hopes up, that isn’t why this ad is special. We will go back to what this ad really is, a brave, positive narrative on what is usually a taboo topic in the Philippines, a story that is usually seen negatively because the marriage failed or didn’t ever happen.

The ad is brave enough to show that people can make it work, even without a traditional family, and that parents can show the child the love it deserves. Yet it should be noted that the brand is not taking a stand on marriage; it knows that a stand will just divide people, and will take the focus of the product and the child that parents need to protect.

Nido has gone beyond telling which formula milk is best for a child, and has started teaching what kind of parenting is best for a child — no matter what the circumstance is, you love and protect your kid.

The first materials always had a “bilin” or reminder for Noah, and that’s just a clear sample of how his mom is protecting him, regardless if a dad exists or not. While the latest ad shows the trust one parent gives — to let the child learn compassion (to his toy dinosaur) and to just let the child have fun. It is essential parenting — eventually, you will have to trust your child because you trust your ways of parenting.

“Nido has gone beyond telling which formula milk is best for a child, and has started teaching what kind of parenting is best for a child…”

Screengrabbed from Nestle Philippines YouTube Channel.

The hashtag puts the essence of the commercial and the campaign succinctly. A #LoveThatProtects. Ultimately, the brand has elevated the discussion from which formula milk to choose, into what parenting really is. That is powerful brand storytelling and relevance.

If you haven’t seen the latest ad, watch it here:

I’ve featured other ads and campaigns. Read some of it here.

