Living In A Not-So-Black-And-White World

Sometimes you get thrown. Don’t let it throw you.

Laura Annabelle
The Inspirational World
3 min readJun 16, 2019


Life is about living to your full potential, not limiting ourselves and each other by the old century world called “black and white box” thinking. Life is not black and white like it used to be and also including music videos and movies/films! Life is more beautiful in colour: not black and white.

Because if life and our home which we all call home (earth) didn’t have colour and everything that the creative arts and creative thinking includes, life would be so dull, black and white and so not exciting and optimistic and hopeful!

Life shouldn’t be limited, life is too short to limit what we ourselves and each other can and cannot do. It’s life, we all have one; and no one should have control or power over that. We are only in control of the percentage of what we actually do/can control of our own lives; the rest is up to nature, taking its course!

So why live with many limitations when you can live with unlimited options of how to live your life! There would be so many options to pick from; I’d rather have many options than not enough and no freedom to have my own opinion and expression and power to live my life how I choose to! Like what is expressed in this music video by Jennifer Lopez:

This video to me is what someone looks like when they choose to be limitless: free with no limitations in their minds giving them power over them:

Life is not about following the rules while living our lives in order to be considered a civilized citizen of society. Your life is about what matters to you, what you value, and overall the kind of life that you wanna create and be content and happy and yet at peace with: without letting society take any control over any ounce of the control of our own lives! And just like the other great points I mentioned in this post:

In my opinion it’s about facing life which runs harder than any bull.

Why I’m saying also here is that the many rules we have in our world are there to keep us all civilized and all; but some of them are there because they were meant to be broken. And it may not be so easy to identify which ones they are. It may be tricky to tell which are which but once you do; listen to your voice; not your demons, or the voices the rest of society put in our minds.

Remind yourself: this is your life; live it your way! Like Melinda Gordon said in an episode of Ghost Whisperer:

I look at this room and it is so beautiful. The colour, light, you! And I feel like we don’t spend enough time in this room. Spend enough time together and maybe we’re working too hard. Just rushing through our lives instead of living our lives. Maybe it’s too late to even matter!

And we all find ourselves dreaming about our dreamy realities that we wish to become our reality one day but after the times people got into our heads and at some point convinced us that they are unrealistic dreams; we gave the power to them. And would always second guess ourselves and not know what to believe; in the end; you gotta ask yourself: who’s live are you living? And who’s life do you wanna live?

Don’t sit around and wait for something to happen!



Laura Annabelle
The Inspirational World

I’m just a young adult trying to figure out how to live her new adult life.