That First Step You Take Is The Longest Stride

Laura Annabelle
The Inspirational World


The first step? It’s gonna take a lot in you and once you start, you are gonna have to keep working at it to receive or gain sustainable and long lasting results.

“The first step towards getting somewhere is to decide that you are not going to stay where you are.” ~ Unknown

I know this because I’ve chosen as of April 25, 2015 of exactly this. I had to make my life different than it has in the past. Where I didn’t feel hopeless in a way that would easily be convinced to give up regardless of how badly I knew I wanted the things I was working towards.

I knew as of this day that I needed to do things differently and knowing at least what was required in this I was up for the task because I knew and believed that I wanted it badly enough and reminding myself of why I was starting and the whole purpose of doing this was what kept me grounded and helped me continue making progress no matter how hopeless I felt in the situations ever getting better and yet being worthwhile the fights, battles I’d have to get through with success!

But then again, the future is what we make it. But I like to say what we create it. The best way to predict the future is to create it! And I’m a passionate believer in mental health yet in the belief that creativity should be used so much more than I was besides my creativity and optimism throughout my recovery; I wanted to let my creative side of my brain to shine! To be seen, heard and understood and be the change that I wanna be in this life, on earth!

And yeah though it will have many yet numerous ups and downs, plus slip ups and even relapse (as per talking around mental health/illness) recovery isn’t perfect and nor is life just like humans are: imperfect! So let’s stop striving for the wrong things and start creating the real and fun definition of the term: imperfect! And this is the reality of recovery, it’s not perfect, so don’t beat yourself up in any form (mentally, emotionally or physically) including others for making mistakes, even making the same mistakes many times, you’ll get it right eventually.

And when you do, focus on the fact that you got it right, not the number of attempts it took you and then let the emotional side convince you to mentally beat yourself up for how long it took you and that it shouldn’t have taken you that long. There’s no shame in anything in the world that any human being could possibly do!



Laura Annabelle
The Inspirational World

I’m just a young adult trying to figure out how to live her new adult life.