Laura Annabelle
The Inspirational World
4 min readApr 7, 2023


The Positive Impact of Justin Bieber on Adolescents

In the past, individuals but specifically teenagers have been exposed and poorly influenced by celebrities. Teenage girls have been impacted by female celebrities such as Whitney Houston who went down the wrong path and got involved with drugs. There are very few role models for teenage girls in the entertainment industry and one of them is Justin Bieber. To teenagers, Justin Bieber is someone to look up to and he is an all around the respectable celebrity because Justin’s music is a universal method that heals people, acknowledges and appreciates his fans.

Justin Bieber shows that he is a respectable and down-to-earth celebrity each time he helps with a charity. He has a nail polish line that is very popular with his female fans and a large portion of the sales goes towards building schools and helping kids. He is famous because he is a singer and writes songs. One of his most recent songs is “Turn To You” and it was released on Mother’s Day. This song shows that Justin Bieber is respectable because the proceeds of his song on iTunes went towards an organization focusing on single mothers. This organization is near and dear to his heart because his mother raised him as a single mother and Justin is always inspired by his past.

Finally, Justin Bieber shows that he is influenced by his past and wants to make a difference when we donated $10,000 to the food bank in Stratford which is his hometown. He wanted to pay them back when he was younger because he grew up visiting the food bank frequently. As this paragraph states, Justin is a respectable celebrity because he does so much for charities and other people and he wanted to help people who helped him when he was growing up.

Justin Bieber is a respectable and hardworking celebrity and that is shown through his music. In Justin’s song, “Pray” he sings about praying for others less fortunate than him and uses his faith to instil hope in others to heal them. Another way that Justin uses his music to heal others is by singing to this fans in hospitals to brighten their day. Finally, another song that Justin has written is “Never Say Never”. This song is very important because it has a strong and crucial message. This message is in the title: Never Say Never, which in other words means to never give up, fight for what you believe in and overcome your fears. Justin’s music shows that he is a hardworking celebrity because he uses his music to reach out to his younger fans and heal others.

Justin bieber is one celebrity that understands that he would not be as successful as he is now without his loyal fans. He is also a star who shows love to his fans anytime he can. One way he shows his appreciation for his fans is during his concerts, when he sings “One Less Lonely Girl”. Justin brings a female fan on stage, gives her flowers, and makes her feel special. He also reaches out to his fans frequently through social media specifically through Twitter. He is one of the rare celebrities that actually follows their fans back on Twitter.

Recently in an interview with Jimmy Fallon, Justin stated that the reason he always follows them on Twitter is because “it makes their day”. In Justin Bieber’s life as a very successful and famous singer, it is only normal for him to attend many award shows and win numerous awards. Whenever Justin goes up on stage to accept his award, he always makes sure to thank his fans. The support and love that Justin Bieber’s fans or “Beliebers” does not go unthanked or unappreciated. He tries to blatantly thank them on the many award shows or he goes above and beyond to make them feel special.

It is now safe to say that Justin Bieber is an all around respectable celebrity and someone who teenagers can look up to because his music gives people hope, he is always giving his time and money to charities, specifically those that remind him of his past and he shows his appreciation to his fans. Teenagers are constantly exposed to the entertainment industry and it is somewhat difficult to find a celebrity to look up to. Stars like Lindsay Lohan & Miley Cyrus have ventured off and gotten involved in drugs and alcohol which does not give a good image to teens and it’s stars like Justin Bieber and his inspiring work, teens can grow up with aged celebrity role model.



Laura Annabelle
The Inspirational World

I’m just a young adult trying to figure out how to live her new adult life.