How to Learn Animation in 30 Days


I’m proud to present the animation course that I have been cooking up over the past months.

It’s based on the most effective ways to learn that I discovered over my career. All the psychological tricks to make my brain excited about learning and but not overwhelmed.

It’s called the 30DayAnimator. I designed it to jump-start your animation journey!

Continue reading to find out how this course will help you…

Bridge the Gap Between You and Your Dreams

Did you ever dream to become an animator?

To bring characters, stories, and worlds to life through movement and motion? Or just create silly little jokes with the help of animation?

But you don’t really know where to start and it just seems out of reach.

I found myself in the same position 10 years ago. Really wanting to be an animator, but entirely directionless.

Most courses seemed very expensive and demanded a lot of commitment from the start!

“I have a busy life, with a full-time job. I can’t study 4–8 hours day. And I don’t want to pay $1,000+ on a course that I cannot really complete”, is what I kept telling myself.

8 years later — I had to create the course that I would have wanted back then for myself.

“A course that guides me through the basics, respects my time, and doesn’t break my wallet!”

Back in the days, I had to learn it all the hard way. My own way. By reading books, watching videos, and putting the puzzle pieces of the knowledge I gained together into a bigger picture.

It all truly started when I challenged myself to animate 100 Walk Cycles in 100 Days.

The power of habit transformed me from being just a hobbyist with a rudimentary understanding of motion into an enthusiastic learner who could not stop improving his craft!

This is the first principle I based my course on…

A Course That Prioritizes Action & Habit

This course is not about showing you hundreds of videos and overwhelming you with all the knowledge there is. I don’t want to impress you with my skills and overwhelm you with how complex animation is.

It’s not there to distract you further and give you the false impression that you are achieving something just by watching tutorials my tutorials.

No! This course is about empowering you to learn!

Learn by doing.

And not just once.

Doing it consistently!

How is it doing that?

By sending you one email every day with simple instructions to do ONE exercise.

“But I don’t have the time to invest hours every day!”

That’s okay…

Setting aside 30 min to 1 hour every day should be enough to get you started. Each exercise focuses on simple concepts. It should be achievable in under an hour.

You will animate rough and messy, and sometimes it’s going to look great, and other times, it might not. And that’s okay, too.

You only learn if you go through that rough and messy stage. And every animator starts like that. Even the ones who are already experienced.

The whole point is to form a habit.

Improve a tiny bit every day.

Another guiding principle for this course is…

Your Dreams Deserve More Attention Than Your Inner Perfectionist

This learning journey only works by removing friction.

That’s why the exercises are simple and short!

You will need to let go of perfectionism.


Done is better than perfect!

The perfectionist might never even start, because 10 minutes or 30 minutes or even 1 hour is simply not enough time to create something perfect. That makes an absolute perfectionist give up before they even started.

Embrace the imperfection. There is beauty in it.

And most importantly, there is all the learning in it!

So even if you have a tough day with only 10 minutes of spare time, I encourage you to grab your phone and open FlipAClip, and instead of scrolling through social media, just start the exercise.

There are even more systems built-in that will help you be successful at staying engaged and productive in this course.

At this point, I haven’t even talked about the access to the community that will enable you to see the exercises of like-minded learners…

…or the personalized feedback that you can get for each exercise when you buy the Full Experience package!

But I wanted to keep this announcement short.

If this sparked your interest and you would like to know more you can go here:

Embark on your learning journey now. See you on the other side.

Thanks for reading 👋

