Being in Your Own League Makes You Thrive in All Seasons

Simona Rich
The Inspired Mind
Published in
4 min readOct 20, 2020


Photo by Arno Senoner on Unsplash

Today’s society is full of guilt so those with self-confidence are often seen as egotistic. There are of course egotistic people in the world, and many of them, yet self-confidence is different from egotism.

Self-confidence allows you to be in your own league, when you don’t look at what others are doing but do your own thing. This makes you able to create something very different from the rest, and therefore you get a premium for it.

Those who are at ease with themselves don’t try to mould their natures according to the latest trends and opinions of the world. They become the masters of their lives by growing from within — by learning to listen to the inner nature and not to that which is external.

They attract wealth and opportunities by focusing on developing themselves and mastering their art. Then all the blessings come as a by-product which is how the natural order is.

I don’t follow the numbers [money]. I focus on developing my acting skills. Then the numbers naturally come.

— Anil Kapoor, Indian actor

If people have identical looks, identical employments and identical goals, they will experience identical lifestyles and identical problems: money shortage, unhappiness and lack of meaning.

