How Did We End Up Hurting Each Other So Much?

When our hurts hurt the ones we love

Jocelyn Soriano
*The Inspirer


Photo by burak kostak from Pexels
Photo by burak kostak from Pexels

Our Deep Thirst for Love

There is something in each and every one of us that needs love. It is that kind of need that urges us to meet people, to be known, to form friendships, and to find that special person with whom we can be most intimate with.

To some people, this need is somewhat fulfilled more or less with the right balance of relationships one has and has had since childhood. One has built a network of friends one can count on to, one has felt the love of his parents, and most of all, one has been able to fill that deepest void through God’s love which only He could possibly fulfill.

For some people however, there is this very deep craving that has been left unfulfilled for so long. There is this unusually deep thirst for love and attention and self-esteem that seems to have created a hole within one’s own heart. This thirst became so big it became very difficult to quench it, even with a very sincere affection from someone.

In truth, this hole has become a wound that hurts so much not only the person concerned, but all those with whom one has tried to form deep relationships with.

Could it be possible that the one you love is…

