How Do You Recognize the True Opposite of Love Before It Ruins Your Relationship?

It may not be what you think it is

Jocelyn Soriano
*The Inspirer


Photo by lucas souza from Pexels

Love is never easy to define. We can spend the rest of our lives trying to define it and never reach an amicable agreement about what love could mean for you and for me. In the same way, it is very difficult to point out its opposite. It’s as though we all have an idea of it, but this idea is merely the facade of something we have hardly even started to know.

Somehow, we have all felt it. Deep within us, we know what love is not. If love is something that satisfies our hearts, then the opposite of love is something that troubles us. If love is something that can build a healthy relationship, then the opposite is something that could very well ruin it.

Let us begin with the things we usually suspect as opposites of love.

It’s not hate

Hate is related to anger. It is quite possible to be angry at the people we love without losing our love for them. In a way, love can even be the source of our anger. Anger when our loved ones are doing something that would ruin their lives. Anger when they refuse to listen to us whenever we warn them of the dangers they’re exposing themselves to.

It’s not apathy

