This Is How You Find Your Hope Again

To hope is to trust that there are still wonderful things ahead even though we cannot see them now

Jocelyn Soriano
*The Inspirer


Photo by Ethan on Unsplash

“The only trap I must beware not to fall into, is to think that each day is the same as the next. In fact, each morning brings with it a hidden miracle, and we must pay attention to this miracle.” — Paulo Coelho, Warrior of the Light

Hope came to me again that morning. For weeks, I have struggled with the exhaustion of trying to figure out what to do next. For weeks, I have been met with constant defeat after trying one strategy over another. It isn’t easy to find hope once you lose it. It’s like trying to keep believing in the light when you have gone blind.

But that morning, I found hope again. No, I wasn’t able to find a solution to my current problems. I wasn’t able to find a single clue on how to remedy the difficulty I was going through. But by looking at the sky just as the sun was beginning to rise, I found hope again. And it was enough to carry me through.

How do we find hope? Sometimes we find it in the simplest things like witnessing the sunrise, seeing a starlit sky or having a…

