To the People Who Accept Me as I Am

Words will never be enough but let me tell you how grateful I am for you

Jocelyn Soriano
*The Inspirer


Personal photo of Author

To the people who accept me as I am, words are not enough to tell you how I feel. All the years you’ve been with me are priceless. They taught me that despite all of my imperfections, I can still be accepted; I can still be loved.

They have made me who I am today and I will forever be grateful to you. So for all the people who have accepted me for who I am, here is my letter to you.

Thank you for accepting me

Thank you for letting me know that I didn’t have to be perfect just so I could be loved. Thank you because I felt accepted. I felt I had a place to belong to. I had a place to run to when the world starts to judge me and condemn me.

You’ve considered me as a family and a friend. Because of you, I’m never an outcast. Some people may criticize me as though I’m the most miserable person there is. But as long as I know that I have you, I know I’m not worthless.

You saw something in me. Something valuable. Something worthy of love. I’d admit that many times, I couldn’t even see it myself. But thanks to you, I can continue to believe that my life is worth something.

Thank you for forgiving me

