What We Can Learn From Long Distance Relationships in a World of Quarantine

Can love survive as we stand apart?

Jocelyn Soriano
*The Inspirer


Image by Alexas_Fotos from Pixabay

“I exist in two places, here and where you are.” — Margaret Atwood

Love can overcome even time and space. But what happens when all of our relationships suddenly transform into a long-distance one? Can love still thrive in a world that demands us to stand apart?

Since the Coronavirus (COVID-19) breakout, our world has seemingly changed overnight. We can no longer attend mass gatherings. We can no longer stroll freely as we wish. We cannot even visit each other the way we used to. All of a sudden, even people who live close to each other may need to adopt new ways of making their relationship work. Social distancing, lockdowns and quarantine have become hurdles that need to be overcome if we desire to keep the people that matter most to us.

A comparison with long-distance relationships

Like people in long distance-relationships, we may need to spend a long time without seeing each other. We also need to use other means of staying in touch with the ones we love during the time we’re apart. We won’t have the luxury of doing things while we’re physically close. We’d suffer the loneliness…

