Power of Smile, How to Auto-Tune Yourself For Happiness

Mahil Ahmad
The Inspiring Cafe
Published in
5 min readMar 28, 2021

Why is smile so powerful? The whole world seems to smile when you smile. Yes, it’s a fact, try it and you will see the smiles in no time. When other people see you smile, they smile too. Why? Because a smile is proven to be contagious and charismatic. We need to auto-tune our brain for an auto smile.

There are four hormones that make an individual feel happy:

1. Endorphins,

2. Dopamine,

3. Serotonin and

4. Oxytocin

Happiness is caused by these four hormones, so it is important that we know about these hormones (internal secretions). All these hormones create a desirable brain state at a specific time.

The First Hormone is Endorphins

During exercise, our body releases endorphins to cope with the pain we feel at that time and after that, we enjoy the exercise. In addition, while watching comedy, reading jokes, this hormone is produced in our body. So, for a dose of this happiness-producing hormone, we should exercise at least 15–20 minutes daily and watch some jokes and comedy videos.

Endorphins help to reduce physical pain or symptoms of injury in our muscles due to their chemical properties being similar to morphine, which is used for pain relief. They are called feel-good chemicals as they relieve pain and boost happiness.

The Second Hormone is Dopamine

In our life, we accomplish many small and big tasks, when we complete a task our body releases dopamine and that makes us happy.

When we are praised for our work in the office or at home, we feel successful and smart, this feeling of happiness is due to dopamine.

Now you can understand why women are generally not happy with housework because there is no definition of housework and their work is not appreciated.

If we are able to achieve a certain goal, this hormone is produced in greater quantities. Like when we shape our body as per our desire or when we bring our body weight to a certain level this hormone is produced inside us all.

Whenever we buy a new mobile, new car, new house, new clothes or anything at a reasonable price and good quality too, our body releases dopamine and we feel happy.

Now, you can understand why we feel happy after a good deal in shopping.

The Third Hormone is Serotonin

Which can help reduce the symptoms of depression. Serotonin is the key hormone that is thought to regulate mood naturally and is directly related to happiness and feelings of well-being. This hormone impacts our entire body and helps the brain and other nervous systems to communicate with each other. It also helps with sleeping, eating, and digestion.

When we do something good for the sake of others, serotonin is released inside us and makes us feel happy. Sacrificing for people, giving honest opinions and sharing good ideas with others, answering people’s questions on blogs, Quora, Reddit, and Facebook, all produce serotonin and we feel happy.

The Fourth Hormone is Oxytocin

When we get close to other human beings, it releases into our bodies. When we shake hands or hug our loved ones or even strangers, our body releases oxytocin.

While deeply watching a movie with a similar scene, when someone holds a loved one in arms, oxytocin is released in our body and a feeling of happiness is created.

It’s easy to be happy by helping our body to produce these happy hormones:

We should make a routine to exercise daily to get endorphins.

We need to get Dopamine by completing small tasks.

Getting serotonin by helping others and

Finally, we need to get oxytocin by hugging our children, spending time with family and friends.

By doing so, we will feel much happier and healthier and it will be easy for us to deal with our difficulties and problems.

Now you can understand why it is important to hug your baby if he/she is in a bad mood and it equally applies to adults.

So encourage children to play physical games on the ground in addition to mobile or video games. (Endorphins)

Appreciate your child for small and big achievements. (Dopamine).

Get your child in the habit of sharing things and helping others. For this, help yourself by offering help to others. (Serotonin)

Cuddle your baby in your arms. (Oxytocin)

Factors That Promote Production of Happiness Hormones

1. Exercise

Exercise not only keeps us fit and healthy but also protects us from different diseases and degeneration.

2. Activities that leave a smile on your face

Activities that make you smile, whether they involve family members, friends, or anyone, can be a relief from the stress that may pile up in our daily lives. Visiting new places, playing your favorite sports game, watching a movie, or any activity that leaves a smile on your face is associated with happiness.

3. Exposure to sunlight

Exposing the body to sunlight aids the skin’s production of vitamin D. This vitamin is very essential for strong bones and immune systems and also stimulates the production of serotonin, a hormone capable of reducing the symptoms associated with depression.

4. Meditation

Meditation is a form of body relief that can be beneficial after a day full of stress that can leave us feeling down. Meditating, by breathing in slowly and deeply before releasing that air gently, can help you gradually get rid of any negativity from the mind that you may have accumulated that day, adjusting brain waves to ensure a calm mind for a better night’s sleep.

5. Smile

Keeping a smile on your face during difficult situations can help your body to produce serotonin and endorphins, hormones directly associated with happiness.

Smiling is good for our health in a number of ways. It reduces stress, improves heart health, lowers blood pressure, and boosts your immune system by decreasing cortisol in the body. Whether it’s a simple genuine smile or a forced one, it prompts the brain to produce endorphins and serotonin, causing positive emotions so what’s not good visualizing the happiest moments.

Here are some more powerful facts about the smile:

• People perceive you as smarter when you pass a smile.

• Smiling makes you more attractive than others.

• Smile has the charismatic power to inspire others.

• Smiley people are more successful at work and in relationships.


By making little changes in our lifestyle, we can help our body to produce more smile hormones. A little attention is what we need to be happy. Keep smiling, keep sharing happiness.



Mahil Ahmad
The Inspiring Cafe

Writing is like a new travel. You start exploring from nothing and learn as you go.