Your Summer Screen Time Rules Don’t Apply To Me: Here’s Why

Abbey Fatica
The Instinct
Published in
4 min readApr 18, 2019


Photo by Kelly Sikkema on Unsplash

The school year is quickly coming to an end and ready or not, the kids will be home full-time. For those of us who stay or work at home, summer vacation can really throw off our current schedules.

The familiarity of our routine changes with small people asking a barrage of questions and needing food 24/7. Every summer I vow to come up with a schedule harmonizing work and play with the kids. As they get older, the working part gets easier as they become more independent.

Usually, they want to play videos games and be on their Kindles all day. That does not fly in my book.

Adjusting The Summer Electronics Rule

Last year I came up with a solution keeping the kids off their electronics till mid-afternoon. It had it’s flaws but at least they weren’t on them from morning till night. This summer, I will tweak it a bit more, shaving more time off their current electronic allowance.

I count this as a win in the parenting category but there is a small snafu in my plan. My best ideas come to me from 10am -3pm, right in the peak hours of their no device time. This block allows for a clear head and a fresh mind. Sure, I’ve tried the 5am club but my brain is still too foggy to process anything worthwhile.



Abbey Fatica
The Instinct

Writer, Author, Lover of all words and exclamation points!!! My children are the inspiration to my voice. Connect with me: