Thank You, Medium

An update on why I stopped writing for the last six months

Ramya Kota
The Intentional Kind
3 min readJan 13, 2021


I am writing almost after a gap of six months and it feels exciting and surreal. Writing has been my passion since childhood as I felt alive after putting down my thoughts and feelings on a piece of paper. There were no platforms like medium back then to support. publishing an article needed a lot of experience and I am grateful to Medium and publications for helping me live my passion.

2020 has been a transformative year for most of us and it certainly was for me. I finally took the step to write on medium and I feel it has changed me in a lot of ways. It forced me to think creatively, learn new skills, and helped me improve my communication and confidence. I had the opportunity to connect with like-minded people and learned a lot through their stories about life, writing, and so on. The covid blog, Black lives matter stories have really helped me gain perspective of what and how people are feeling.

The past year has bought a lot of uncertainty and life-changing moments in my life. When I truly began enjoying writing on medium and committed myself to write a new post every week and collaborate with more people and learn and grow through this process, Two things really set me off the track — Starting an Integrative Health coach program and learning that I am Pregnant.

I am beyond happy finding out that I am going to be a mother for the first time and within no time all the pregnancy symptoms started hitting me and I found myself sleeping almost halfway through the day with nausea, headache, morning sickness, and bloating. I wasn’t sure as to how I will keep with this new course that I put so much thought into as this would be my biggest step to transition into a new career!

I had a tough time sticking to any routine at this point. I felt disconnected and lost through this process and was finding new ways to motivate myself that I can get through this and I sure did. Once my first trimester ended things started looking better. I could focus on my course work and get back to a new workout routine and be mindful about eating healthy.

I completed my course work and I feel proud of my accomplishments in 2020. All of this was possible as I gained confidence, courage, comfort, hope, and faith through writing on Medium. Writing helped me begin on a self-discovery and Healing journey. Reading stories on medium helped me see the world through a different lens I learned the joy in simple things through gratitude, kindness, and compassion. I really want to take this opportunity to Thank the medium platform for the opportunity and the people who followed and liked my stories. I apologize for not being consistent with my posts but this break has given me time to learn, heal, and grow and I am excited to share those stories with you all!!

2021 would be my year for new adventures and in a lot of ways and hoping it would yours too! I will try and be more consistent and relevant through my stories.



Ramya Kota
The Intentional Kind

Certified Health and wellness coach. Love to Write about Life, Health, Nutrition, wellness, Relationships, Personal Growth. Dreamer, Reading & Research nerd!!