A Year of Intentional Living

Getting out of autopilot and living each day to its fullest

Kristi Jacobsen
The Intentional Year


Photo by Jacinta Christos on Unsplash

Do you ever get to the end of your day and think, “What did I do today?”

Or do you feel like time is flying by, and you’re nowhere near where you want to be?

You’re not alone.

So many of us live on autopilot, making automatic decisions and doing what’s comfortable because it’s the path of least resistance. We’ve built up habits so ingrained in our lives that we don’t necessarily think through the things we do every day.

For many of us, myself included, we live in the past, thinking repeatedly about something we said or did. We also live in the future, worried about something that might not even pass. Rarely are we present in our own lives.

We only have one life to live. So why do we let it go by without truly engaging in it? Without paying attention and enjoying life to its fullest?

Why aren’t we consciously making decisions to create the life we want?

How I got here

I spent much of the last few years on autopilot. I have fond memories of my travels and the things I did, likely because I was present during those moments. Yet, I don’t remember much else or feel as though I’ve moved…



Kristi Jacobsen
The Intentional Year

I write about podcasting, entrepreneurship, digital nomadism, and achieving long-term results.