Cosmos Hub’s v10 Upgrade is Coming!

Cosmos Hub
The Interchain Foundation
2 min readJun 16, 2023


Cosmos Hub’s v10 Upgrade is Coming!

The v10 upgrade for the Cosmos Hub is coming and is planned for Mainnet launch at block height 15816200, which should occur between 20–22 June 2023.

The v10 upgrade is a maintenance release that contains a number of important state breaking upgrades, hence it is packaged as a major co-ordinated release.

The on-chain proposal can be found here.

What’s in the v10 Upgrade?

The v10 release contains a number of important updates to the following core dependencies:

  • Upgrading the Cosmos SDK library to v0.45.16-ics
  • Upgrading the IBC-Go library to v4.4
  • Upgrading the Comet BFT library v0.34.28

If you are a user of the Cosmos Hub, please be aware that during network upgrades there is a short downtime period, meaning that transactions and transfers might be delayed. Please monitor us on Twitter for more information and check your favorite block explorer to check that blocks are being produced and the network is back to normal.

If you are a validator or a node operator for the Cosmos Hub, please see upgrade instructions at the bottom of this post.

What’s Next for the Hub?

June and July will be busy months for the Cosmos Hub. The testnet process is underway for two potential consumer chains: Stride and Duality, with Stride’s consumer addition proposal currently being voted on.

To that end, we’ve codified the consumer chain onboarding process in this Cosmos Forum post. The onboarding process is to help both consumers chains and validators to have a smooth transition to mainnet. Please let us know any improvements that we can make to that process.

The v11 release of the Cosmos Hub is currently being prepared, for which a draft proposal will be posted to the Cosmos Forum in the next few weeks.

Keep an eye out for blog posts and on-chain proposals in the near future!

Information about future releases can be found on the roadmap.

Validators & Node Operators

Cosmos Hub validators and node operators can get up to speed with the upgrade process here.

Golang v1.20.x
Finally, we mandate that you must use Golang v1.20.x, if building the binary from source. This brings Gaia up to date with the latest version Golang, closing a number of issues that are in Golang v1.18.

❗ Latest 10.0.x release
The v10 release can be found on Github. In addition to the v10 major release, there have been a number of point releases for 10.0.x, that address a number of security issues. Validators should use the release marked ‘latest’ in the 10.0.x series.

During the upgrade window, we ask validators to please monitor and get support via the #cosmos-hub-verified-validators channel on the Cosmos Discord server.

About the Author:

Milan Mulji is Technical Relations Lead for the Cosmos Hub at Informal Systems



Cosmos Hub
The Interchain Foundation

Home of ATOM, Interchain Security & builders of Interchain Stack. Serving as the economic hub & service provider to chains in the Interchain.