A Short Guide to Conducting User Tests

Five simple steps towards improving product quality and increasing adoption

Jimmy Soh
The Internal Startup


Photo by Element5 Digital on Unsplash

Why conduct user tests?

Below are three key reasons that I chose to conduct user tests with my users before launching the digital product to the masses:

  • Validate: ensures that the product fits the needs and provide value for my target users/groups
  • Educate: allows users to gain some familiarity with the product before launch to minimize training and questions regarding product usage
  • Advocate: leverage on users’ network to share about the product’s new features and facilitate the adoption of the product

I have consolidated the five steps which I took to conduct a simple user test for my users:

  1. Establish test objectives
  2. Select target profiles and groups
  3. Define an outreach approach
  4. Create test scenarios
  5. Consolidate feedback

The above steps would vary based on your organisation’s setup and scenario; in my case, the test was conducted bilaterally or with a maximum of three users over a duration of thirty minutes as some of my users are pressed for time and working…



Jimmy Soh
The Internal Startup

In perpetual beta—playing at the intersection between digital technology and business. Sharing my personal notes and learnings.