Build Quality Microservices and Apps

Ensure governance by including these five elements in your requirements document

Jimmy Soh
The Internal Startup


Photo by Gabrielle Henderson on Unsplash

Fragile apps and microservices are often the results of vague requirements, and developers left to their interpretation and devices.

A well written technical requirements document provides sufficient information to ensure IT governance and implementation consistency across teams. Proper governance leads to better product quality, increased efficiency through clarity, and improved stakeholder collaboration, e.g. testers.

Software quality should be ensured before the coding starts, and not wait for quality assurance (QA) to raise issues to fix—as it would slow down the entire delivery process.

In the following, I’ll share five attributes of good technical API/microservice specification that has served me well during my stint as a developer doing the implementation; and as a tech lead managing the governance and requirements.

#1: Short description and intended callers

Microservices are often designed and built based on bounded contexts. Each microservice at the data layer would be in charge of its own set of tables or documents within a database, e.g. products, users, etc. according to microservice



Jimmy Soh
The Internal Startup

In perpetual beta—playing at the intersection between digital technology and business. Sharing my personal notes and learnings.