How to Present and Justify Project Benefits to Sponsors

Practical examples to estimate, quantify, and present your digital transformation project benefits to investors

Jimmy Soh
The Internal Startup


Photo by Isaac Smith on Unsplash

Numbers form the backbone of project proposals to obtain funding from sponsors.

The benefits have to be packaged in a way that’s easily understood by the stakeholders for them to capture the value of your project and make an investment. However, you must also be able to justify the numbers when required.

This article covers a six-step approach to package benefits to potential sponsors:

  1. Establish and communicate the benefits
  2. Plan and set targets to achieve the benefits
  3. Estimate and quantify the overall financial benefits
  4. Project and quantify the benefits for the individual value sources
  5. Put things together and ask for the investment commitment
  6. Address and avoid potential pitfalls early

I’ll be showing some samples along the way which can be used as guidelines to customise your own methods to deliver your proposal in a way that’s suited for your business.

#1: Establish and communicate the benefits…



Jimmy Soh
The Internal Startup

In perpetual beta—playing at the intersection between digital technology and business. Sharing my personal notes and learnings.