On Disney’s Live-Action “Mulan,” Fiction Fandoms, and “The Chinese Virus”: Interview with Jimmy Wong

“My songs point at a glaringly bright object in the distance that we’ve been woefully ignorant of for a long time.”

Woojin Lim
The International Wave


Image Courtesy: Edward Wiklund

From his viral anti-racist YouTube music video, “Ching Chong: Asians in the Library Song” staged as a reaction to an offensive vlog, to starring in Disney’s upcoming live-action version of “Mulan” with an all-Asian cast, Jimmy Wong has built a career on Asian representation — his work, as he describes, is the “antithesis of gatekeeping.”

Countering the anti-Asian sentiments spurred by COVID-19, Wong recently released another music video, “The Chinese Virus,” using his trademark sense of humor to educate the public about the tactic of scapegoating without being too preachy.

Wong’s reach extends beyond his craft of music-making and starring in films and web-series including “Wish Dragon” and “Video Game High School.” Passionate about “nerdy and geeky” content, he has worked to “get more people involved” with his passions and politics, in addition to making others feel proud to be a fan or want to join a fandom.

As a co-host of “Polaris Primetime,” he has introduced viewers to the gaming world on DisneyXD. His…



Woojin Lim
The International Wave

art & philosophy-themed columnist always in search of new conversations