Michael Marshall Was Healthy Until Covid Disabled His Body

Delonte Harrod


For Marshall, life is day-to-day.

Photo by Glen Carrie on Unsplash

This article was first published at www.theintersectionmag.com

Michael Marshall is a normal guy, something of a local hero. He is an author and entrepreneur. His life entails overcoming trials and helping other people. Marshall experienced a brief moment of being homeless after his father abandoned him in New York and was formerly incarcerated. Because of this, Marshall has decided to dedicate a portion of his life to serving unhoused people and the formerly incarcerated. Before being infected with Covid-19, he was in the process of purchasing another house. On top of all this, Marshall, a Virginia resident, is a pescatarian. He exercised like so many other Black people and had no pre-existing conditions. Yet, Covid-19 invaded his body and disabled it.

Body Change

Marshall doesn’t know how he contracted the virus. All he can say is that he is not 100 percent sure when and where it happened. In February 2021, after leaving work for the day, he felt sick. It was a Friday.

He went to the hospital somewhere in Chesapeake, Virginia and was given a Covid-19 test. That test, according to Marshall, was negative. Medical practitioners told him that he should head home and get rest. Marshall said his health started to…



Delonte Harrod

CEO, editor, and reporter at The Intersection Magazine. I am also a freelance journalist. 2021 Fellow at The Maynard Institute.