
Bronzed Souls on Asphalt

Harlem’s eternal song

The Interstitial
Published in
2 min readJun 14, 2024


Photo by Richard Lu on Unsplash

Beneath the jaundiced lamplight glow,

Harlem’s pulse quickens,

its bronzed souls on asphalt sway,

where whispers of jazz

mingle with the moon’s soft lament,

caressing bricks and dreams alike.

A saxophone wails, cuts the air,

a golden thread of sorrow

woven through twilight,

as feet shuffle, syncopated,

echoing a rhythm deep as roots,

ancient as rivers’ song.

Night’s velvet cloak shrouds

the brownstones’ stern gaze,

their stoic faces etched with stories

of longing and resilience,

each window a portal to lives

bathed in light and shadow.

Sidewalks hum, a mosaic

of hurried steps and languid strolls,

where voices, rich and textured,

weave tales of daily triumphs

and unseen battles,

their cadence a testament to survival.

Here, laughter spills,

buoyant and bright, a counterpoint

to the city’s relentless grind,

and lovers’ murmurs

float on a breeze perfumed

with the scent of hope and despair.

In the distance, a preacher’s cry,

a benediction cast into the night,

mingles with the clatter

of subway trains, their iron wheels

singing hymns of departure,q

of promises to return.

The stars, faint and sparse,

flicker above, witnesses to

the eternal dance,

where dreams are forged

and broken, reformed in the fire

of tenacity and grace.

Underneath this urban sky,

we move, a mosaic of life,

each beat, each breath,

a note in the symphony

of Harlem’s eternal song,

etched in the memory of night.

Ani Eldritch 2024



The Interstitial

I am Ani. Full stop. No backstory. Whether poetry or prose, my work speaks for itself and is ever-evolving.