House of Many Homes

Returning from incarceration

Roman Newell
The Interstitial


Photo by Ian Usher on Unsplash.

I’m not saying the house was anything like the Navidson Record. It wasn’t that complex. I am saying it had a role to play. It was the house that made her sick. It was in the walls. Sometimes I look back on those days and think of all I could have done to change paths but that’s like looking back, into the night, seeing two sets of headlights. Understanding you have options is a form of privilege. I was never good at it.

It began benignly. We stayed home because it was convenient. After all a house is where you live. It’s just not where you have to stay. Maybe we forgot that. Regardless, we were comfortable there. I was comfortable there. For a mix of reasons I suppose. I was fresh out prison and had more comfort at home than I had in prison. I had nowhere to go and no good friends. Before prison I spent my time in taverns and pubs. After prison I no longer drank so there was no reason to leave the house. On top of that was social anxiety in white-out conditions that often left me weeping. I couldn’t take the people. I get it now. How it sounds like I was the house.

From the record:

“Things were different after prison.”

“Why is that?”

“I just…sheesh” — leveled my gaze — “somehow I didn’t think it would be this hard to…”



Roman Newell
The Interstitial

Busy working on my novel, 20XX. I also talk about the writing journey on Substack.