How Softly Falling Petals Kiss the Ground

The Interstitial
Published in
1 min readMay 16, 2024
Image by Niklas Hamann on Unsplash

How softly falling petals kiss the ground

How gently the spring breeze cups the face, kisses it

How patiently snow splays atop a mountain, kissing an entire season away

How sun rays, diffusing through the branches, fall onto the waiting grass, kissing

How the white of blossoms kisses the blue of the sky, making an eternity of transience

How the mountains kiss the horizon, eons of love standing tall

How birdsong touches eardrums, traversing the wind to kiss your ear

How a bee kisses the mouth of a flower, savoring every last drop of sweetness

How sand kisses the soles of feet, undoing itself on touch

How the river kisses a boulder, fiercely crashing against its face, melting all sharpness away

How a pebble kisses a lake, plunging into its depths unhesitatingly

How the sea kisses the shore, again and again and again and again


