Slow Bleed

A poem

Ann Marie Steele
The Interstitial


The Heart — Edvard Munch, public domain photo

a knife need not be sharp to cut—
likewise, cuts need not pierce
deep to wound, I know this

take for instance a butter knife —
although not initially lethal
a soft cut can still expertly
chisel its way into the skin
bits and pieces at a time —

kinda like I imagined what Juliet
was thinking when she wanted
to take Romeo out and cut him in little stars
and scatter him in the heavens —

you think you’d know if you were hurt
wouldn’t you?
but some injuries are so minor
they are barely noticed

just an irritation here, a scratch there,
a pinprick causing a droplet of blood
to smear on skin — at the worst
I call this a slow bleed

until the wound — intimately, inwardly, fatally
reaches the heart —
which was thought protected
by skin and bone, and oh, even love—
yes, I thought mine was protected



Ann Marie Steele
The Interstitial

I write about love and loss, what I observe and experience — I write about hope. My writing has been described as resiliently defiant.