InterSubjectivity: Preserving the Space Where We Agree

Juan Álvarez
The Intersubjectivist
3 min readMar 1, 2024


Within the complex fabric of human society, there exists an essential space where our ideas, values, and worldviews converge: intersubjectivity. This space, where we encounter and understand each other, is under threat due to a series of phenomena that threaten to undermine its very essence.

Social Polarization is a phenomenon increasingly evident in our reality. We observe how society fragments into groups that share similar opinions and values, which can hinder the formation of friendships with people who have different perspectives. This tendency to group ourselves with those who reinforce our beliefs creates ideological bubbles where our opinions are constantly validated.

It is essential to counteract this polarization and avoid the formation of these ideological bubbles to promote a healthy debate. We need to encourage critical thinking and cultivate empathy and tolerance, fundamental elements for social cohesion in our communities and societies.

The Echo Chamber is another challenge on our path towards a healthy intersubjectivity. It leads us to surround ourselves with like-minded individuals, limiting our exposure to different points of view. We feel comfortable in environments where our opinions are the norm, and we tend to reject those who disagree, thus contributing to polarization and ideological isolation.

To counteract this tendency, it is crucial to encourage exposure to different points of view. We need to promote constructive dialogue and strengthen tolerance and empathy, thus avoiding polarization in our communities and societies.

Ideological Intolerance is another worrying consequence of the growing polarization. This lack of tolerance makes it difficult to build meaningful interpersonal relationships with those who do not share our views, eroding the very foundation of democratic coexistence.

Furthermore, Communication Challenges arise due to the lack of friends with different opinions, which limits our opportunities for constructive dialogue and exchange of ideas. Without the contrast of perspectives, our mutual understanding is compromised, and conflict resolution becomes more arduous. Diversity of opinion is vital for a healthy debate and a constantly evolving society.

Counteracting these communication challenges and fostering diversity of opinion is fundamental to promoting critical thinking, solid mutual understanding, effective conflict resolution, continuous learning, innovation, and progress in our societies.

Finally, the Impact on Society of this trend towards polarization and intolerance has profound consequences for social cohesion and democracy. Dialogue and negotiation are fundamental for peaceful coexistence and collective decision-making. Without a common space where we can meet and understand diverse perspectives, we risk fracturing the very fabric of our society.

In an environment where polarization, echo chambers, and ideological intolerance are prevalent, the fruitful exchange of ideas is reduced. Ideological bubbles not only reinforce existing opinions but can also suppress the emergence of innovative and disruptive ideas. Innovation flourishes in environments where diversity of thought is encouraged and open and respectful dialogue is promoted.

Part of the problem lies in a limited understanding of the right to freedom of expression. Often, the emphasis is on the right to express our opinions, but the equally important duty to be prepared to listen to and consider viewpoints that may challenge our convictions is neglected. Freedom of expression does not only involve speaking but also active listening and being open to debate and discussion.

The refusal to expose ourselves to ideas that may be offensive or challenging not only hinders society’s ability to grow and evolve but also undermines the fundamental principles of democracy and freedom of expression. True freedom of expression implies the willingness to listen to divergent opinions and consider them thoughtfully and respectfully, even if we disagree with them.

Preserving intersubjectivity is crucial for the well-being of our society. We must strive to step outside our ideological bubbles, actively seek out diversity of opinion, and practice tolerance towards those who think differently. Only then can we build a future where dialogue and mutual understanding are the pillars of our coexistence.



Juan Álvarez
The Intersubjectivist

Autor, filósofo y especialista en narrativa, creatividad, pensamiento disruptivo, y líder en servicios creativos. Story-Coach, guionista y marketer digital.